2023 Magnolia 4

In the winter of 2023, I began the process of preparing for the greatest adventure of all. Having achieved proficiency in the “cycle” side of the “motor-cycle” equation, it was time to design my own engine and complete the journey.

Having previously managed a very successful engine design program with the Motus V-4, Lee Conn was my first call. He recommended the remarkably talented Jeff Sperry. Jeff was hired in July of 2023 and moved to New Orleans to work one-on-one with me in the Studio.

With local talent Mark Dowey bringing our cad work to life in 3-D, Sara Scioneaux executing branding and web design, and Gareth Roberts behind the camera, a remarkable little team was assembled.

The earliest gesture sketches of what would become the Magnolia 4 were done in 1999, the first year that I was employed by Matt Chambers as a motorcycle designer. Since 1993 I had been attempting to fuse art and motorcycles, and for 24 years carefully considering the perfect formula for the Great American Motorcycle. This is it.
